8 800 256 35 87
Mon - Fri : 09:00 - 17:00

Alejandro Olivar

Alejandro is a consultant, coach, facilitator, and coach of leadership and personal transformation processes for open groups and private companies. He is the creator of the model and certification of coaching in personal fulfillment with three levels of care for the training of new coaches. He has taught his training, seminars, and conferences to more than 1,000 people in Mexico and the U.S.A. In the online modality also to participants from Spain, Chile, and Colombia. He has more than thirty years of experience in the areas of Human and Personal Development and 10 years in Leadership and coaching.

Currently, through his training, he has a presence in 8 countries. He is the author of The Formula for My Success and The Law of Attraction in Action (Best Seller on Amazon). As a consultant, he has been part of cultural transformation processes in companies such as the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV) and the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE). He has given conferences and training in private companies, private schools, and universities. In the public sector, he has administrative experience, as he served as an advisor to the Veracruz municipal treasury and later as administrative director of a hospital unit with the 2nd level of care of the Veracruz Health Services in the state.

Alejandro has a degree in Economics from the Universidad Villa Rica-UNAM in Veracruz, a Diploma in Health Services Administration, from the Instituto Universitario Veracruzano, Ph.D. in Leadership by Vital Impact México, Lead With Conversations, Self-management Leadership – Oxford Leadership, Coaching, ProCoach and Master Coach in Personal Achievement PNL, Mexican Official Certification in the Standard by Group Training in Human Capital – CONOCER, Safety, and Environmental Protection Systems – PEMEX, Certificate to perform an inspection, maintenance, and certification of equipment and systems against fire in terrestrial maritime terminals, as well as vessels with a flag of any nationality.