8 800 256 35 87
Mon - Fri : 09:00 - 17:00

Alejandra García

Alejandra is a coach, facilitator and an associate consultant of c-Growth. She has a long professional career and vast experience in Clinical Psychology and Coaching.

She specializes in Humanistic Psychotherapy and Eating Disorder treatments. She has over 15 years of experience as personal and team coach. Alejandra is an international consultant and has collaborated with public and private companies in Mexico,Brazil, Chile and Spain.

She developed the program ”Transform your relationship with food and your body” and she leads weekly workshops in the Southeast of Mexico. In recent years she has conducted leadership and coaching programs for companies such as BASF, EVERIS and the Mexican National Banking Commission, among others. Alejandra also imparts several workshops and seminars as part of her own private practice.

She has a bachelor´s degree in Management by the ITESM and is also a licensed psychologist by the Anáhuac in Merida, Yucatán. Alejandra has a master´s degree in Humanistic Psychotherapy by the Institute Carl Rogers, is a licensed Life Coach and Eating Psychology Coach (IEP). She is a certified international Intuitive Psychologist in ED (EDIT) and Gestalt Psychotherapist.

Alejandra works in Spanish, English and French.