8 800 256 35 87
Mon - Fri : 09:00 - 17:00

Ángeles Barragán

Ángeles is a psychotherapist, facilitator and an associate consultant
of c-Growth, with expertise in emotional consciousness, selfknowledge
and personal transformation at both, the individual and organizational levels.

She designed two programs “The Anatomy of the Emotional World”and “Embracing Imperfection: the Road of Unconditional Love”. She imparts both to the general public with the aim of conveying the complexities of the mind, the body and the spirit of human beings.

Her teachings contribute to the development of skills necessary to
achieve a profound understanding of ourselves, to widen our options for managing our emotional world and to improve our wellbeing in a kindly and powerful way. Her biggest passion is to inspire and connect with others, using her own personal work and her experience of emotional consciousness at every dimension of the self.

Ángeles previously worked as an e-business consultant at companies such as: Transportación Marítima Mexicana, Empresa Telefónica (Bogotá) and CEMEX. For the last 8 years, she has been dedicated to her private practice as Psycotherapist using Logotherapy and has imparted more than 120 hours of workshops in the cities of Mexico and Monterrey. In adittion, she collaborated with high-ranking executives in the implementation of the methology “Leads for Conversations” at the Mexican National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV).

Ángeles believes that in order to improve the world, we first need to undergo a personal transformation. That is why, as one of the first 12 people to be trained on “The Heart of Effective Leadership” program, she is committed to its promotion among private and public Mexican companies.

She holds a bachelor´s degree in Communication from the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESM campus MTY) and an MBA from the Instituto Autónomo de México (ITAM). Moreover, as a member of the on-line program “Next Level Practitioner”, she has conducted specialized studies in Logotherapy and Mind-body Therapy at the National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine (NICAMB). Ángela has been trained in various methodologies that focus on Leadership, such as “SLSP” and “The Heart of Effective Leadership”. Currently, she is part of the team of certified coaches in “Leads for Conversations” at c-Growth.