8 800 256 35 87
Lun - Vie : 09:00 - 17:00

José Luis González


José Luis is a strategic planning advisor, a certified coach and an associate consultant of c-Growth. He has over 25 years of experience in strategic planning, process analysis and data gathering from focus groups at various non-governmental organizations, public entities, civil society organizations and international companies.

José Luis has been an invited speaker at Strategic Planning and Information Technology lectures and has collaborated in motivational and group integration projects.

His main areas of expertise are Strategic Planning, Process Analysis and Data Gathering.

As a consultant, he has worked with executives and public officials at the following organizations: CFE, NAFIN, CONAGUA, Presidencia de la República (Proyecto visión México 2030), CECOBAN, Fármacos Especializados, CONABIO, Comisión para la Cooperación Ambiental, PNUD and Telecomunicaciones de México.

José Luis previously worked as Strategic Planning Director at the Ministry of Energy and at the Strategic Planning and Regional Development center of the Federal Presidential Office.

He participated in the devising of the National Development Plan 2001-2006 and collaborated as advisor in the designing of regional programs. In addition, he was the strategic planning advisor of various public entities such as the Ministry of Energy, the Federal Commission of Electricity, the Ministry of Communications and Transportation, among others.

From 2006 to 2008, he was part of the team that devised the National Ports Development Plan of the Ports and Merchant Navy General Office at the Ministry of Communications and Transportation, as well as the Port Development Plan of the API’s at Tuxpan, Tampico, Topolobampo and Lázaro Cárdenas. Moreover, he participated in the design of the study “Gran Visión del Estado de Veracruz” in 1996 and was part of the research team that published the book “Oportunidades de inversión en el Estado de Veracruz” (1998).

He is a certified coach by International Coaching Technologies. He holds a BA in Business Administration and an Executive MBA by the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education.