8 800 256 35 87
Mon - Fri : 09:00 - 17:00
Mark Verhoeven

Mark Verhoeven

Mark is a passionate coach, facilitator and associate consultant of c-Growth, with over 25 years of experience working at the corporate level of multinational corporations.

He has vast experience designing processes, strategies and solutions for Transformation, Cultural Acceleration, Talent Building and Leadership programs in diverse sectors such as retail, manufacturing and supply chain in companies throughout the Americas.

His expertise in Efficacy and Organizational Development, has enabled him to successfully deliver cultural transformation and change, talent building and leadership workshops. Througout his career, he has shown an outstanding ability to lead teams implementing innovative solutions.

As consultant and executive coach, Mark has been able to apply his unique expertise in cultural and talent transformation processes, as well as in leadership programs. His collaboration with international organizations has helped him to consolidate his talent for designing, delivering and managing strategies that trigger positive results at the individual and organizational levels.

His bachelor´s degree in Industrial Relations and his Executive and Teams Coach certification, demonstrate his commitment with professional excellency. His ability to facilitate processes and leadership transformation programs, as well as his experience managing high performance teams, have placed him as a leading consultant in organizational development. Furthermore, his result-oriented approach and ability to accelerate talent creation, have made Mark an invaluable asset for companies interested in maximizing their potential.

His approach centers on enhancing the potential of individuals in order to transform Organizations while promoting productivity with a human development perspective.