8 800 256 35 87
Mon - Fri : 09:00 - 17:00
Mónica (Momo) Medina

Mónica (Momo) Medina

Mónica is a coach and associate consultant of c-Growth. She has successfully worked +20 years in Human Capital and develops her professional activity as an independent consultant, helping companies in change management, organizational redesign, coaching and mentoring.

She is a consultant for the TEC de Monterrey in leadership programs, as coach and mentor.

Mónica specializes in Leadership Development Capabilities; DO; Salary & Compensation; Diversity & inclussion; Cultural Assimilation; Manager Assimilation Process; Emotional and Well-being Salary; Change and Engagement Processes and Human Capital Strategies with a high focus on the development of people and teams.

After serving as an HR leader for +20 years, she decided to work as a consultant and coach, helping companies in change management processes, organizational redesign, compensation and benefits, coaching and mentoring (executive and middle management), as well as in consolidation of business units in mergers and acquisitions.

Monica has worked in various organizations and sectors such as: consumer, industrial, pharmaceutical, retail and financial, both locally and internationally. She has collaborated for companies such as Gillette, Estteé Lauder, General Electric, Willis Towers Watson, Astra Zeneca, Kraft Food, SC Johnson, Calvin Klein México, Grupo Expansión; and as a consultant: Grupo Arlfelth, Pentafon Contact Center, PW&C, Suburbia, Boston Scientific, Roche, ScotiaBank, General Motors Financial, Grupo Electra,

She holds a BA degree in Communication Sciences (UAM-Xochimilco); a Master´s degree in Organizational Communication (Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana); an MBA degree (Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Studies) and a Master´s degree in Human Development, Specialization in Coaching and Executive Mentoring (Universidad Iberoamericana).

Mónica has the following certifications: Train the trainers Situational Leadership, Watson Wyatt Minneapolis, Minnesota; Mergers and Acquisitions, Towers Perrin Stamford, Connecticut; Change Management – Switch methodology and Gamification – DevelopMind Cards (DevelopMind Consulting Group); 360 TLC and CLA Assessment (The Leadership Circle Plofile); Nonviolent Communication, Non Violent Communication Institute; Organizational Development and Change Management, The Pennsylvania State University; Performance Management & Target and Selection Program Trainer DDI (Development Dimensions International) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The Coaching Game (point of you).