8 800 256 35 87
Lun - Vie : 09:00 - 17:00

Roger Soreque

Roger is an associate consultant of c-Growth. He is a leading advisor, partner and associate at various law firms around the world. He offers legal consulting services and supports private and public companies, non-governmental organizations, foundations, Commercial Banks, Development Banks and Public Escrow Accounts in contentious proceedings.

He has set precedents in Labor Law and has been able to replicate his mergers & acquisitions and joint ventures services at international companies. In addition, he has collaborated as a leading law expert with various well-known international personalities.

Roger has offered legal counsel to CEOs and middle management at companies from different industries such as: Pharmaceuticals, Agrochemicals, Entertainment and Public Events, Insurance, Surgical Materials, Restaurants, Bars, Publishers, Magazines, Filmmaking, Film Dubbing, Construction, Nightclubs, Fitness Clubs and Transportation.

Roger has participated in various forums and has been invited as lecturer at conferences organized by the Complutense University at Madrid, the International Chamber of Commerce, FUNGLODE (Dominican Republic), OCDE (Paris, France), Escuela Libre de Derecho and the Mexican Academy of Private International and Comparative Law (AMEDIP).

He has a BA in Law from Escuela Libre de Derecho and a Magister Universitario in Law from the EU (Madrid, Spain). Moreover, he has the following posgraduate studies: Legal English (Complutense University), Public International Law (Hague Academy at Peace Palace, The Hague, Netherland), Program on Negotiation (Harvard Law School, Cambridge, Massachusetts), Labor Law (Universidad Panamericana), “Fiscalidad Internacional Latinoamericana”, (Complutense University and the International Fiscal Association-Latam), International Arbitration (International Chamber of Commerce).