8 800 256 35 87
Mon - Fri : 09:00 - 17:00

Edgar Romero

Edgar is an advisor, coach and an associate consultant of c-Growth, with expertise in Change Management, Systems, Marketing, Social Communications, Strategic Planning, Organizational Transformation and Personal and Executive Guiding Processes.

Currently, he is the General Director of Edgar Romero – Counselor ( He is a partner and collaborator at ESCOLA INTEGRATIVA in Valencia, Spain. He is part of the team of consultants at CGrowth. In addition, he is a member of the International Faculty at Unitec in San Pedro Sula, Honduras where he imparts business courses such as: “Business Leadership and Coaching for Teams” and “Managerial Leadership”. Moreover, he is in charge of the Internacional “Integral Leadership” Certificate program.

He has participated as speaker in conferences related to: “Integral Leadership”, “Conscious Leadership”, “Employer Experience”, “Today´s Leadership”. Edgar has collaborated with the following companies: L’Oréal, Mattel, Basf México, Secretaría de Economía, ProMéxico, PGR, Oxford Leadership, Buzan Latín América, Femsa, CFE, PEMEX, Banobras, Infonavit, Sidimex, Bancomer, Tecmilenio, Tecnológico de Monterrey. Additionally, he successfully took part in the restructuring project of Novartis in Barcelona, Spain.

Edgar was a partner at the Integral Human Development Orientation Center and the Mexican spokesperson for the Systemic Coaching Latin American Association. He was invited as a Personal Transformation and Interpersonal Relationships specialist at Exa Tv and NuMusic at MVS Televisión.

He holds a bachelor´s degree in IT. Moreover, he has an MBA with specialization in International Marketing, Executive Management and Finance and a master´s degree in Strategic Management. He has been certified as Hellinger Sciencia Therapist (intensive training), and as Counselor. He is a Family Constellations Facilitator and is currently studying a master in Systemic Pedagogy.

He has taken the following courses: Constelaciones Familiares, Counselor, Cultura Empresarial para la Competitividad, Desarrollo Económico, Marketing Digital, Calidad en el Servicio, Norma ISO 9000, Los órdenes de la realización profesional, El Éxito en la empresa, Gestión Empresarial y Alta Dirección, Entorno Socioeconómico Local y Global, Aplicaciones Estadísticas para la toma de Decisiones, Gestión Estratégica de Información, Habilidades Estratégicas Directivas, Coach con Eneagrama, Autogestión y Liderazgo, El Arte de la Ejecución Efectiva (Master), Orientación a Resultados, Liderazgo, Mapas Mentales, Metamanagement, Self Managing Leadership, Enfoque Estratégico, Acelerador de Desempeño y Change Management.