8 800 256 35 87
Mon - Fri : 09:00 - 17:00

Erika Kleestorfer

Erika is a management consultant, a leadership expert, an executive coach and an associate consultant of c-Growth. She works with organizations, teams and individuals resuming processes that were interrupted.

Her expertise centers on mobilizing existing resources, enhancing available talents, bundling up the energy and turning it into measurable results.

Erika specializes on consulting, management & organizational development, process facilitation, executive coaching, intercultural training, diversity and team development. She is particularly interested in supporting the decision-making processes of senior managers, promoting their development and professional qualifications; as well as, facilitating transformational undertakings.

Erika’s success derives from her systemic, holistic, multi-cultural and interconnected approach. Erika has worked alongside a wide range of clients in various industries such as banks, production, pharmaceutical companies, communication and non-profit organizations – including ECB, Metro, Erste Bank, IBM, Deutsche Bank, Baloise, Sanofi-Aventis, UBS, BASF, Telefonica, among others.

Since 2004, Erika has been a member of the Global Educator Network of Duke CE (US). In addition, since 2009, Erika has been a fellow of Oxford Leadership, an international community she greatly enjoys working with.

Erika is keen on supporting, training and mentoring young professionals around the world. She has collaborated at various programs at the University in Vienna and the Technical University of Vienna (Uni Wien, TU).

She is also member of The Board of Directors of the ‘Architects of the Future’, a community integrated by pioneers of a new economy which combines holistic thinking with successful entrepreneurship, compassion and social activism.