8 800 256 35 87
Mon - Fri : 09:00 - 17:00

Maite Amuchastegui

Maite is a coach, facilitator and an associate consultant of c-Growth with expertise in attention and concentration skills and leadership and team building workshops that center on sensitizing and awareness.

Maite has developed various online, in-person and hybrid workshops that promote productive work environments and well-being. Her workshops are designed to teach emotional leadership skills and create beneficial working conditions for teams while promoting awareness, attention and focus.

She has collaborated with some of the most important companies in

México such as: Telcel, BBVA, Santander, Banamex, GNP, SunAlliance, Alexander Forbes, Compartamos, Apoyo Económico, Ayudamos, Nissan, Volkswagen, Chedraui, Soriana, WalMart, Sears, Liverpool, La Europea, Basf, Eagle Burgmann, Polaquimia, Telcel, Iusacell, Sony, Tupperware, Sanofi Aventis, Roche, Nestle, Jumex, Sigma, Aeroméxico, Mexicana de Aviación and Philip Morris.

Likewise, she has participated in projects at universities and public organizations such as Tec de Monterrey, La Salle University, Inegi, CFE, CNBV, Sagarpa and Mexico´s Central Bank.

As an executive coach, she has worked with more than 100 senior executives and led over 500 sessions. As a team coach, she has collaborated in over 10 sessions.

Maite is a certified Executive Coach (Neurosemantics), benchmarker and team coach. She is also a certified Team Coach for senior executives.

Maite has a bachelor´s degree in Psychology from UNAM and a master´s degree in Humanistic and Gestalt Therapy. Addittionaly, she is a certified Neurosemantics Team Trainer. She has diplomas in Learning Organizations, Archetypal Psychology Journey Guides, Elearning, Self-leadership, Learning Organizations, Balanced Scorecard, Online Facilitation and Awareness (4-month workshop at Dechen Choling Shamballa, France).

She is self-taught in topics such as: Artificial Intelligence and Team Work, Attention Management and Management of Emotional States.

Maite works in spanish, english and french.