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Mon - Fri : 09:00 - 17:00

Juan Carlos Kaiten

Juan Carlos is an associate consultant of c-Growth. He is a social architect specializing in evolutionary leadership, global collective intelligence, social networks and organizational transformation.

His work focuses on research, development and implementation of new technologies and social innovations that enable communities to operate from the new holistic paradigm of interconnection, unity and interdependence on a local and global scale.

He is a partner at The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation and Emergence that promotes the design of Social Synergy frameworks, greater social cohesion and civil society participation at a global scale. He has extensive experience as a consultant in Mexico, North America and Europe and delivering workshops, conferences and consultancy services that enable collaboration among different stakeholders with government, companies, universities and the civil society.

Juan Carlos is a co-founder of ´The School of Social Alchemy´ where he is currently working with a global team to develop gamified co-creation experiences for young people in Mexico, Denmark and India, merging advanced high tech with social technologies to foster innovative solutions aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Over the past ten years he has been embedding his knowledge of Collective Intelligence into trainings and workshops, integrating them under ´The Office for the Future´ concept, a project of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution.

He is a member of Initiatives of Change, a worldwide NGO based in Switzerland and a “Creative Member” of the Club of Budapest. Has been a pioneer in the area of Social Networks and large-scale collaboration, working as a coordinator in the implementation of for the Spanish-speaking world and introducing Mexico to the Pachamama Alliances´ symposium «Awakening the Dreamer”, as a way to create consciousness in action towards a comprehensive sustainability. Additionally, he is part of the team of trainers at the Art of Hosting community in Mexico.

He has a masters degree in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability from the Blekinge Institute of Technology in Sweden, where he started his research in Social Bio-mimicry. He majored on Business Administration at La Salle University where he joined AIESEC, the largest students organization and became national president for Mexico. Through AIESEC he travelled to more than 25 countries representing Mexico and fostering the development of socially responsible young leaders worldwide.