8 800 256 35 87
Mon - Fri : 09:00 - 17:00

Tamara Ortiz

Tamara is an advisor and an associate consultant of c-Growth who works for leading companies and government agencies in the selection, evaluation, management and development of human capital.

She has developed an assessment methodology to identify abilities, which has helped her to accurately evaluate more than 800 middle and high level executives. In addition, her methodology contributes in the development and strengthening of required skills. She has also design workshops for managerial and senior management executives that focus on the enrichment of their relationship and business skills.

Through coaching, she has led more than 35 teams to reach highperformance and achieve their desired results. Tamara is convinced that leadership with inner knowledge and self-improvement is one of the key factores in the transformation and progress of organizations and countries. Improving the lives of the people living in Mexico is one of her priorities and passions.

For more than 15 years she has led several coaches and consultants in the design and execution of strategies and models for the evaluation and development of Human Resources and organizations. She has collaborated in various leading companies and organizations such as: Scribe, Bristol Myers Squibb, Farmacias del Ahorro, Nacional Financiera, Grupo Nacional Provincial, Telemarketing, Atento, Alimentos Capullo, Bancomext, Banobras,Modern Manual, Bayer, Mead Johnson, Economic Support, ABC Capital and ADO.

She designs her training programs and workshops according to the culture and needs of each client. Her philosophy centers in creating value by detecting the needs of others and providing constant support for discovering their abilities and strengths. She has also participated as trainer of evaluators in the Assessment Center and Interviewer of competences, as well as in projects related to Emotional Intelligence, Psychometrics, DISC Personal Profile, and Projective Tests.

She has a degree in Industrial Psychology from the Intercontinental University, with a specialty in Organizational Development. In addition, she has been certified in talent assessment techniques such as Assessment Center, HOGAN, Human Side and Emotional Intelligence. She is a certified NLP coach and instructor in personal growth workshops such as The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and Heart of Effective Leadership.